Contributing To Others Success Makes You Happy

Contributing To Others Success Makes You Happy

Why Contributing To Others Success Makes You Happy?

META: In the pursuit of happiness we can find ourselves going down all manner of avenues to find joy. However, contributing to others progress and success is a way to find inner joy. Why?

Like almost any other person, you might find yourself in the constant pursuit of happiness. However, as the old saying goes: happiness as a constant is fraudulent. Instead of expecting to find happiness in every moment of your life, it is important to savour the moments that make us feel genuinely joyful. In a bid to find happiness, most of us focus on ourselves. However, the secret to happiness often lies in helping others – why?

Setting Others On The Right Path

Being able to help shape the future direction of an individual is an immensely enjoyable feeling. It can be good to notice yourself getting better at something. Watching someone that you have helped, though, take that next step is always far more gratifying.

Let us say that you contribute by teaching someone how to play a sport or a musical instrument. With every improvement they make, you can see the contributions you have made shine through.

You Understand Your Own Skills

Another big benefit of helping other people is that you will soon begin to understand that your own skills are very unique. And that when they are put into action in the right environment, they can help other people to improve their lives for the better. When you do this regularly, there are few better feelings in life.

Understanding our own skills is hard – the best way to really put ourselves to the test, and see what we can do, is to put ourselves in the service of others. This forces you to think for another, not for yourself.

Put Your Passion To Work

The things that you can help someone else with are likely to be the things in life that you are most passionate about. Being there to help others gives a sense of personal growth and satisfaction that is hard to match. Not only that, but it allows you to really find what you care about the most in this world.

Over time, putting your passion to work more or less guarantees that you can help someone. These are the subject matters that you care about the most, after all. This lets you see that all of your time and effort following that particular passion is paying off because you can help someone else grow, as well.

Gratitude Makes Us Grow

Over time, you will find that the people you help are genuinely grateful for the time and effort that you put in to make their lives better. Receiving gratitude is one of the best ways to find a sense of inner happiness and peace. Why?

Because gratitude simply makes us realise that we have done right by someone else. It can provide us with a sense of self-growth, knowing that we have it within ourselves to benefit the lives of the people that we love. Self-improvement massages our ego; seeing others improve validates our skills and personality.


Finding a sense of personal happiness can be tough without having something to focus on. By putting your time into helping other people, though, you can feel a sense of genuine joy as you see them progress. It is easier to see the progress in others than it is to see the progress in ourselves, after all.

As such, you will find that making this commitment to contributing to the success of others brings out the best in you. Not only does it help you to feel more satisfied, but you know you have done the right thing to help someone else.